Thank you, For Everything!

Beloved Sai Maa;
“If Not Now then When…
Cause God Never makes Promises,
Only to Break them!”
May you Fill our paths with a Gazillion Stars;
So that we may Never feel Wearied & Lost & we may Never loose Faith in the Goodness of Hearts!
For what else is there in this life,
Other than that My Lord!
When Nothing makes Sense in life, Baba has shown me- “Be Thankful”, cause the Vibration in being Thankful, is higher than being positive & there in a lot of our old ways of thinking & negative energy starts to dissipate.
When we’re Thankful even while life is falling apart, we show that We Trust In God;
“That You know & that’s all I need to know!”
& Thankfulness even is A Place of Faith that God has already Blessed me, for all that I’ve prayed for!
Thankfulness stems from Surrender, from Acceptance & in an instance Merges Ones Mind in One’s Heart!