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After 15 years of hibernation, I feel an urge to travel light!...By letting out all that, That I in my 'Silence' bottled up inside. Some thoughts, some sketches, pictures & drawings...woven as poetry; the way I look at life.

Sai Maa

Behold, This Beautiful Garment of Love,

That’s Verily Sai Maa!

Upon her each Breath She Cradles This Universe, & Asks for Nothing, As she takes our Vrittis

& Frees us from Sattva, Rajas, Tamas,

until the child of our hearts; soft as wax- MELT

into this Embrace in which this Entire Creation is Held!

A Mothers love can only be fathomed by a child in its Complete Purity,

Her Embrace, Her Kiss, Her Healing, Her Nurturing, Her Feeding not just of this mortal body but beyond.

Behold this garment of Love that’s cradling and carrying burdens and pains of her children’s,

Unknowest of how she bears it All upon her.

Whilst every step of the way, She teaches each of her child, how to Dance & live;

Know That She Alone is the Doer, for all that her child acts, feels & thinks & Thus in its knowledge remains Free.

For all that this Divine Mother longs to Give is to let her child know that “He is Always Free!”

This Love Never once left any of her child’s heart, as she verily is present as

“Presence within each”

And None of her child, Weather he/she is aware of this embrace or passes his time veiled in separation, has Ever Left Her Lap!

Behold! This Sai Maa, This Jagadjanani, This Love, in who’s Embrace is Cradled All Life & Forms of this Universe & Beyond

(Vritti has also been translated as "waves" or "ripples" of disturbance upon the otherwise calm waters of the mind.

The three attributes Tamas is tendency of Dullness inertia, Rajas is tendency of ambition & activity & Sattva is tendency toward selfless service)


Signs & Story Behind this Painting

On Sunday 15th October, Baba inspired me to do a painting of Sai Maa. The inspiration is always Given with the way the painting will be painted

Everything comes forth from this Love, Be it forms of Shirdi baba, Satya Sai baba & there will be children’s standing along with them. But only the faces are seen, other than that the forms of children’s and Baba all emerge as well as merge in this Beautiful vibrational energy of Love, with only Babas feet being seen.

Once I Finished the drawing & placed it at his feet, I asked him, Baba why did we draw Three children, as earlier I intended to draw 2, but after Compositionally placing the children- 3 felt balancing the work.

I know, Nothing is Accidental when it comes to Sai,

So I asked him, “Why 3 children’s Baba?” & in my heart he answered- “Sattva, Rajas, Tamas”

The three Gunas within every Being.

And as the drawing got finished, the very first picture that came on my Instagram screen, was of Swami with his tender love as a mother, showering upon a baby & the very next message after that popped was- “I Bless You”

later I started the painting….Usually Baba always gives the poem along with the inspiration of painting, but I thought maybe this time it will only be the painting.

The next day on 16th Being Monday, the painting was still in process & again he filled me with these words of poem to go along with it. That I’ve shared above.

Poetry to me is Nothing but Baba filling me with words that just automatically without any thought come forth from my conscience & the words, Always keep ringing in my heart, until I write them down. As here the case being, when writing the word Vritti, I had no idea, what it means, but the word kept ringing in my conscience, till I wrote it down. Only later when I goggled the meaning, I understood what Baba gave. Just like poems, paintings too are all given by him with a knowing within my heart Of how the final picture will be

To me In Actuality, God Alone is the Only Creator, the only Artist & all forms of creativity only comes forth from this source of love.

It was 12.11pm when the poem was noted down.

& barely not even an hour to that, he once again gives me a sign of confirmation through the very first message that flashed on my screen as to why 3 children Baba, to which he answered

“Sattva, Rajas, Tamas”, & As confirmation gave this message & the reason behind this work

While the painting was ongoing, my body was completely shutting down, so much so that my entire back muscles were fatigued and giving up, & was getting unbearable to sit, let alone even the trigger points in my hands were showing signs of pain, due to 22yrs of pain I’ve lived in

In my heart I prayed to Swami, that please only after this work is completed, let my body give up…

As it’s often happened in the past, that I’m unable to Finish most of my art works, due to not being able to use my hands nor sit when the pain flares up

With His Grace & Blessings, I somehow managed to push it till late evening, but the painting was Yet unfinished & I knew I can no longer push it, So had to call off for the day

Later the very next morning on Tuesday the 17th he reached out to me with this message.

An Assurance that the painting will complete.

& By late evening the painting was finished. I did take some pictures but was unsure as the light was dull and the colours weren’t coming through.

So with Atul’s help next day took a few pictures to share it

Later My right hand totally gave in, such that I’m unable to use it again but in my heart I asked him,

After sharing the painting “Baba are you happy, with sharing of this work…”

& he all knowing reached out, once again with these messages

as he alone is Our Divine life partner, he’s saying now he’ll make lots and lots of effort…to take care of me….Baba aren’t you already taking care of Everything for me.


One thing In this journey I’ve come to know is, All you need is to be open in your heart, Baba can reach out through any means, through a person, through a book, through messages even on social media, through that little voice within you, All you Need to do is Remain Open in your Heart and He’ll Connect, For our Souls are Already tethered to his Heart! And what more auspicious for Baba, to give us this Gift Of Sai Maa on these Auspicious days of Navratri.

Jai Sai Ram!!!



Meghna Loke

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©Meghna Loke
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