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After 15 years of hibernation, I feel an urge to travel light!...By letting out all that, That I in my 'Silence' bottled up inside. Some thoughts, some sketches, pictures & drawings...woven as poetry; the way I look at life.

Only God Bears All Pains of His Children’s

As I lay upon my dying breaths,

I simply outstretched my arms,

& offered this life force back to him;

Saying “Take it All… Take Everything…”

For see my heart & minds are Pure,

Let this body merge in the ocean of your being,

For Beloved All Along through this pain & dying breaths-

It Was You

Experiencing this Pain,

So that this Heart could Remain Free!

It was You going through it all, As thy Grace Dwindled what I thought myself to be;

“O How Beautiful Thy Love is”

For there was Never two, Never me, Only Him!

Only God Carrying himself through pains,

to show his Beloved Ones, that you are Never Alone, Abandoned, Nor Separate, For He Takes it all upon him!

There’s No Devotee, No God, Only Love, Only One that Exists!

& that One carries all lives, All souls born, to be born, dying,

Merging as various facets of his love, Blossoming as That Very Life Force in each!

It was Only God that went thru these pains- for what i thought myself to be- “Never Truly Exists!”

That is the Ultimate Love;

When He Brings Forth This Awareness Within

That in Truth there is Only Him!

During the recent lupus nerve flare, The pain got so intense that I felt-

I won’t make it, that’s when I told Swami

“All i want is Soul connect with you”, Even if I die

& Baba Revealed this “Presence” that’s within each & makes all forms; animate-inanimate Alive!

He showed that it is Only this Presence- call it God or whichever name one wishes to call it, that’s undergoing all pains of this world.

For every Body is His form

Even when some animal or some soul has been unjustly met, then God takes that Pain all upon him

How Beautiful is

The Love of God, as He Carries All upon His Breath & in that Knowing Alone, All Souls, derive their innate Strength!

For Love Alone gives meaning to Pain

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

were the only words that came forth, as I lay breathless, in this Soul-Connect to Him!

That day was my Birthday but Truly it was

A Kiss of Rebirth from him

With His Grace I stayed up the entire night until the next evening as i couldn’t sleep a wink due to this pain to complete this work




Meghna Loke

*All copyright of content belongs to Meghna Loke. Do not copy or download without consent.
©Meghna Loke
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