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After 15 years of hibernation, I feel an urge to travel light!...By letting out all that, That I in my 'Silence' bottled up inside. Some thoughts, some sketches, pictures & drawings...woven as poetry; the way I look at life.


I have to keep you closer to me, in these moments of extreme pains & difficulties; hence I push away All that, That can’t go where I need you to be!

For my child only I can carry you through these fires, so that not even a single speck of flame can even touch thee.

I carry you & keep you closer to my heart until

“This too shall pass!”

& from this Fire shall Emerge A Strength of Self that shall hold you Steadfast!

For all my children’s who Surrender- “Their Pains I take upon me!!!”

Beloved “This too Shall Pass, This too Shall Pass”, Believe me!

I know there’s A Force carrying me through this pain, Governing, fighting battles which I’m not even made aware of. In his immense love he’s turned my every atom towards him, every fibre & cell in complete surrender to him.

“He’s made me LEAN on him & that is His Ultimate Blessing”

He came as a form of Coco to show the Tangible part of love & Now he shows me to love him through & through as my very own heart & soul!

This Pain has brought me home to this place within!  This extreme physical downfall, Opened that door of Freedom, That he carries me

(Even though I address this presence as him,

IT is Pure Love & beyond Gender)




Meghna Loke

*All copyright of content belongs to Meghna Loke. Do not copy or download without consent.
©Meghna Loke
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