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After 15 years of hibernation, I feel an urge to travel light!...By letting out all that, That I in my 'Silence' bottled up inside. Some thoughts, some sketches, pictures & drawings...woven as poetry; the way I look at life.

For Without Them…I Would Simply Perish!!!

I’ve Clasped them to my heart…

I’ve Clasped them

As My Sole Refuge;

To take me Beyond the Stars:

Where my tears adorned the nights,

As Silent Prayers to him!

I’ve Clasped them,

For they’ve walked besides,

Even Beyond the Seven Seas & on days when my own feet were Fatigued;

“They’ve Alone Carried me!”

I’ve taken Recourse, holding onto them,

When None upon this earth, Could take the burdens that were mine…

Until He made them light,

By carrying them as His!

For Only Gurus Feet can Emanate Such Compassion,

with which his eyes often speak!

These 2 feet are enough to help me traverse

this ocean of samsara, to cross rivers;

Even Whilst one knows Naught- “How to swim”

O! I’ve Clasped them

& Washed them with my tears, Knowing Well,

That Other than them,

“Refuge there is None”

& Other than Them-

“None can Ever Rescue me”

I’ve Clasped them to my heart,

Knowing Well,

That without them-

“I wouldn’t have made it this Far…

But would have simply Perished!”

For these are Verily

Gods Feet!!!







Meghna Loke

*All copyright of content belongs to Meghna Loke. Do not copy or download without consent.
©Meghna Loke
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