For Coco

O My Dearly Beloved!!!
In all my shortcomings I’ve come to you…in all the pain’s & bruises that life sent my way, I’ve unburdened them at your feet!
I’ve come home Alas to this place of calm & peace. Let the storms churn, let this body burn,
let it leave its imprints in this inflammation around my eyes & make me sink like I’m about die-
for now it matters not. For see through it all, in the silence of my soul- I hold on only to you, I rest by you! And all that it could take, is Nothing in comparison to what I’ve gained-
Now I’m home for Good! For now my heart beats like coco in all its Purity- “Free”
- my soul has traversed the vagaries of this mind. & I left it all to Breathe as a child.
I’m in you, I’m in coco,
Beloved what so ever happens to my life it matters naught, for my soul Breathes Purity & Love as Coco!
I’m Home
#ForCoco #❤️❤️❤️