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After 15 years of hibernation, I feel an urge to travel light!...By letting out all that, That I in my 'Silence' bottled up inside. Some thoughts, some sketches, pictures & drawings...woven as poetry; the way I look at life.

Beloved, Now you decide the course of my life!

The Greater the Downfall,

The Greater The Rise my child…

Sometimes I have to let the Storm Gather long enough;

“So that people can Appreciate my Light!”

God doesn’t Allow Pain for No Reason,

God doesn’t Allow His Childs Wait to go Futile!

Beloved believe me-

“The Greater they shall see your downfall;

The Greater I shall see that you shall Rise!”

For I your Father in An Instance, Shall Turn Around the tide!

Thoughts of most men are Clouded by Judgments of what you are now, Or what you have Or not Achieved,

But they can’t Perceive, What I’ve Planned for thee!

No one can even Stand in the Will of your Father For when i shall Start to Give, There Shall be a downpour of My Grace & Blessings!

So let the storm do what it’s meant to; Whilst you Rest in me!

When with No Fault of one, Life corners you with pain,

Beloved then I Alone Shall “Open that door”, Where all of your Darkness shall be filled by my light & with my Presence I shall turn around every tide! Fear Naught for your life is in the hands of your Sai!

It’s the most beautiful & organic process thru this work that this work of love came up🙏




Meghna Loke

*All copyright of content belongs to Meghna Loke. Do not copy or download without consent.
©Meghna Loke
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