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After 15 years of hibernation, I feel an urge to travel light!...By letting out all that, That I in my 'Silence' bottled up inside. Some thoughts, some sketches, pictures & drawings...woven as poetry; the way I look at life.

Be Happy!

A White Sun laid

On My Black & White Page…

Through Pains…Through Growth

He Reached Out To Me…At Dawn

Precisely- 3.20am

My Beloved…

On A Swarm Of Delicate White Wings

Like A Wave Of Butterfly, Came…

To Kiss & Take Away Any Sadness

That lay…Beneath…In some corner of My Head!

On A Sea Of White Flutterings

“He Embraced Coco & Me….”

Till we Broke Into Peals Of Laughter

The Way “Child-likeness-Sings!”

As Our Forms like sfumato…

Faded in Echoes Of Love

“Be Happy!”

A Simple Message, Were His Parting-Words!

The Joy Of Being Kissed, By A Gazillion Butterflies

That were Nothing But Born

From My Beloveds Grace-filled Light!

As A White Sun Laid…Upon My Black & White Page….

He Reached Out To Me- TODAY- Precisely- 3.20am

Saying- “Be Happy!”

For God Alone Is The One…

“Who’ll Willingly Take Away Even Your Sadness!”

(27th September 2021)


It’s Good when life takes away, Everything from you…

All the Strings are Cut & from within That Pain,

You Bloom!

For even through our Attachments, of what we have perceived ourselves to be, in the name of work, relations, bodies. Awareness Is!

When All Is Taken, through Pain, then that Pain too…

“Is My Beloveds Kiss!”

For then there’s Nothing Left to Be Taken

As Pieces…

There’s no world left here to Take things from me & thereby

To Reinforce “That Identity”

Yet There’s Sweetness In Giving!

Do you Give in Expectations of Return, Do you live in Calculated Words,

Do you Serve The Mind that breathes in identity & gages,

Relationships based on how much it needs to Give, Based on what shall be Returned!

For My Beloved Took it All when this Pain befall.

Now All My Givings Emanate from this Knowing that He’s Kissed My Soul!

Take it, this Love that Flows As Him in His Works!

For When He Cut All Strings, Through this Pain,

“I only Landed on the Lap of God!”

There’s Nothing You Could Ever Give Me Through this Pain, But Take….

For even in His taking away this sadness,

I Breathe here, Only As My Beloveds Soul!


This Painting was given as a dream, when I had cried myself to sleep due to unbearable pain & prayed to my beloved, “Will you take away my sadness”

& he did.

Grace has a way, as while painting, even though throbbing pain in my left hand, nerves gave in such that I couldn’t use my hand, nor bend my fingers, this work of love got done

©️ Meghna/2021



Meghna Loke

*All copyright of content belongs to Meghna Loke. Do not copy or download without consent.
©Meghna Loke
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